FAQ for public


FAQs for the Public

Thank you for your interest in institute of Dieticians in Nigeria. There are a number of ways that we can help you with your questions. Please review the information below.

To find a dietitian in your area, use the Find a Dietitian tool. You have the option of searching by location (postal code, city) and/or by keyword (specialty, issue or concern). Many dietitians offer services virtually and most employee benefit plans cover dietitian services. Check your plan today. If your benefits don't cover dietitian services, share this resource with your employer.

There are also a number of other ways to connect with a dietitian in your community.

For questions about food or nutrition or for healthy eating materials, visit your favorite dietitian blog section

To become a dietitian, you need the following education and training experience:
You will need to complete a degree in human nutrition and dietetics from a university program that has been accredited by the .......

You will need to complete supervised practical training, which can happen either during your education, or after graduation as part of a post-graduate practicum program.

Once you complete your degree and practical training, in most provinces you have to write the Nigeria Dietetic Registration Examination managed by the regulatory College in each state.

Find resources and learn more about the student experience in the Student Centre.

If you have been a qualified dietitian in another country, contact the state dietetic regulatory body in the state where you plan to work to determine the requirements for registration to practice.

If you are pursuing education and training to become a dietitian in Nigeria, consider becoming a member of Institute of Dieticians in Nigeria to grow your network, gain access to member only resources and benefits, learn about Nigeria practice areas and become a part of the professional community.

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We have many ways to assist you in reaching our members with information about your services, events and products.

If you have questions or wish to discuss opportunities, send an email to office@institutefordieteticsinnigeria.org

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